In today’s blog, we’ll explain the role of a SARI, and the importance of carrying out a SARI racking inspection.
Table of Contents
Know The Hazards
If you’ve spent any time in a busy warehouse, builders merchant, storage yard or fully filled stockroom, you’ll know that storage racking is the go-to choice for storing products, spare parts, materials, equipment, or anything else required to keep the operation running.
Modern racking is designed and built to a high standard to support heavy loads and be straightforward to install and maintain.
That said, they aren’t without their issues. Even the most robust equipment will deteriorate if it isn’t looked after or is used outside of its intended use.
For example, a busy warehouse often leads to busy workers, and…busy mobile plant. Forklift drivers are known to be averse to using a rear view mirror and so it isn’t unheard of for the occasional “strike with fixed object” incident to occur (that’s backing into a fixed racking, FYI).

Similarly, it’s tempting to cram as much onto a storage rack as you possibly can. The risk here is exceeding the safe working load of the racking.
Either situation can and will lead to deterioration of the racking, meaning its structural integrity is either weakened or entirely compromised. This can lead to loads falling from the shelves, or the entire racking system to fall over.
While this is problematic in terms of loss of property, it can be catastrophic should the falling loads or objects strike someone below- for example an employee, visitor, customer or contractor.
This risk is entirely possible in even the most professional and slick operations- so to ensure your warehouse is a safe place to be and work, you must consider a SARI racking inspection.
HSE Racking Requirements
While the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 is the overarching H&S law in the UK, it’s put into effect by a myriad of other acts, all of which affect the way that employers and businesses must conduct their operations and manage their buildings, property and equipment.
There are many statutory instruments which can and do place duties upon businesses using storage racking. The PUWER regs, (Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations) for example place responsibilities upon employers to ensure that any equipment provided to employees (in this case, storage racking) must be fit for purpose, safe by design, be maintained in a safe state, and be inspected by a competent person- among other things. The Health, Safety and Welfare Act 1992 also makes similar provisions.
This last stipulation is where our SARI racking inspections come into play and take them from a nice-to-have to an absolute must. While the law states that work equipment must be checked by a competent person, the likelihood of your company having someone who is competent in the eyes of the law is low.
So, arranging an official, certified SARI racking inspection means that you can confidently fulfil your legal duties, avoiding any litigation and penalties doled out by the HSE.
What is a SARI?
You may have read this far about SARI racking inspections and still be confused about what a SARI actually is- that’s a fair question. To answer it, we must quickly step back and explain SEMA.
SEMA, (Storage Equipment Manufacturers Association), formed in 1968, is a trade body who represents the interests of the storage industry by establishing guidelines and sharing best practice, in order to continually improve standards across the industry.
SEMA considers the various aspects of safety and best practice, aligned with the requirements of UK law as I described above- including the design and manufacture, installation, maintenance and inspection of all types of storage- not just racking.
The SEMA best practice includes guidance on how to inspect the racking in your workplace. It’s a good idea to inspect racking on a weekly basis. These regular checks can be carried out by a competent employee (Person Responsible for Racking Safety) without falling foul of the law.
A SARI, therefore, takes these SEMA inspections to the next level. A SEMA-approved racking Inspector (SARI) is highly qualified and fulfils the criteria for competence laid out by the HSE (they have the necessary skills, knowledge, attitude, technical ability, and experience to carry out the higher-level inspections).
When to book a SARI Racking Inspection
Many racking installations can be checked and inspected by a member of staff who has sufficient appreciation and perception of safety risks within the workplace, however every twelve months a technically competent person (such as a trained specialist…i.e. SARI) must carry out their own inspection.

This is particularly important in higher-risk environments, which may justify a SARI racking inspection more frequently than every 12 months.
This may be appropriate if the storage racking is:
- Subject to heavy loads,
- Situated in a harsh environment,
- Exposed to substances which may cause physical deterioration (see COSHH regs),
- Plus:
- where the loads themselves are hazardous (again, see COSHH Regs), or
- where there is a high chance of damage arising from vehicle strikes.
SARI Racking Inspections from Ashford Retail Services
There are some things at work that you can do yourself if you’ve got a can-do attitude, the ability and willingness to learn, and some time on your hands.
However, inspecting your storage racking to ensure it is safe to use and won’t harm people or cause loss to the company is not one of these things.
You need a SARI racking inspection to confidently ensure that your storage racking is in a safe condition, identify any shortfalls or weaknesses, and remain compliant with the law.
Ashford Retail Services gladly takes on this responsibility for you, giving you peace of mind that your employees are safe and that whatever you store remains safe. There will be no injuries, harm, loss, or litigation.
To arrange your next SARI racking inspection, get in touch today.